Oh hey there Pips!

Welcome to the Pip & Pantalaimon blog!

Long overdue, let’s get started!

In this, our first blog post, I think it’s best to introduce Pip & Pantalaimon and myself; Pippa. I’m the driving force behind the brand. Absolutely every order to date has been hand crafted by me in the Pip & Pantalaimon workroom in our beautiful Oxfordshire/Northamptonshire countryside. I love my job, running this brand.

Setting up the business was almost accidental really, I saw a niche in the vintage lingerie world, so attempted to fill it. But that was more out of curiosity than ambition to develop a retro lingerie brand. I saw a great response very quickly and the rest is history!  

made in england lingerie by Pip & Pantalaimon
‘Lingerie Department’ sign sits above a door in the work room, salvaged from an old family run department store that was closing down. I was in the right place at the right time and cheeky enough to ask.

I trained in Lingerie design at university before securing a job at a small luxury lingerie brand, where responsibility of Garment Technologist, Production Planner and Production Buyer all rested with me-all at once! Here I learnt to multi task, which is handy because there is a huge variety of work involved in running Pip & Pantalaimon; it’s not all making knickers! (someone’s got to take deliveries and do the vacuuming!)

I’m always curious to know more about how small brands operate, what their sets up is like and mainly to see inside their workspace. So what better way to help you get a better understanding of where your garments are made that showing you a few snapshots of the work room?
made in england lingerie by Pip & Pantalaimon
 Work room essentials for pattern cutting and grading
made in england lingerie by Pip & Pantalaimon
Our vintage industrial bernina. Classic avocado green colour with a gorgeous orange frame on a custom made table. I bought it off a French man called Sebastian, he sold it as the 'Rolls Royce of sewing machines', he wasn’t wrong. 
made in england lingerie by Pip & Pantalaimon
Todays view from the work room, best wrap up warm!

made in england lingerie by Pip & Pantalaimon

I’m going to try and make this blog a monthly thing, let me know what you’d be interested in reading about, whether it’s more behind the scenes, day to day running of the brand, what we’re currently designing or the technical stuff?-comment with what you'd like to read about next!

'til next time xxx
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